Latest five additions to WordPress Themes

Yvora Premium WordPress Theme

WordPress themes are in heavy use by the bloggers of all types. Every other website is made of these themes. The new additions to the already endlessly giant list of themes continue to be added. Below is the latest themes released by WordPress and they are really lucratively useful with surprising features to rave big about.


It is a pack in style theme that will leave your visitors surprised and they will have the sense of refreshment while visiting the website. A unique theme, it lets the homepage operates loading the whole content seamlessly by using Ajax.
Sky WordPress


A clean and minimal new themes getting laced with a bold feel which is used as a personal portfolio or can also be used for business websites.
Purity WordPress



It is a plugin which works alongside the normal themes and serves as an alternate layout to the mobile visitors. This alternate design generates improved mobile experience and is depicted to the users only by the time they visit the website on a mobile device. It means HandHeld works with any website even if you do not use the elegant theme.
HandHeld WordPress


New Horizon

This theme is a apt choice for those bloggers keen to make design-fashion orientated websites and also works high for those creative minds who have become tired of the regular thumbnails grids layouts.
New Horizon WordPress


Yvora Premium WordPress Theme

Yvora has been designed to the startups, businesses, photographers, designer and others. With the new framework build upon OOP, this theme is now more faster than ever before. The installation time has now been reduced as well – i.e. the theme can be installed within just 5 seconds. It is packed with the amazing great features.
Yvora Premium WordPress Theme


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