Top 10 iOS 5 Features

iMessage ios 5

New iOS 5 is released yesterday and it has revamped notifications along with other more than 200 features for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad. The top 10 of these new features are;

1. Notifications

The first big addition is notifications.  The new Notification Center is similar to Mobile Notifier.
The Notification Center works even with a lock screen and you have the option to see more stuff without unlocking your phone. They are the best part of iOS 5 eradicating the messy pop ups.
Notifications ios 5

2. iMessage

The second in line useful feature is iMessage which will definitely hurt not only Blackberry but other telecommunication companies too which try to sell us SMS and MMS service contracts.

iMessage ios 5

3. New Camera app and photos

The new Camera up gets two of the most-requested features in the history of iOS. The first is a shortcut in the lock screen to access the camera right away, so you don’t have to unlock and then click on the Camera icon, which often makes you lose the moment. Just press + and it is like Click, Click and Click.
New Camera app and photos ios 5

4. Newsstand

Apple has built a virtual newsstand onto iOS 5. It is very similar to the iBooks app but exclusively for magazines and periodicals.
Newsstand ios 5

5. Twitter integration everywhere

iOS 5 will have Twitter integration everywhere.
Twitter integration everywhere ios 5

6. A new Safari

Safari has been revamped with new features. Apple’s web browser also adds tabs in this version. Your open pages will line up right below your address bar. According to Apple, switching between pages is “lightning fast,” so perhaps they have made some magic with the memory management to reduce the reload of pages in older devices.
A new Safari ios 5

7. New Reminders app

The new Reminders app makes it easy to make to-do lists. The interface is very simple and it’s synchronized between iOS 5 devices and your Mac OS X desktop or notebook.
The really cool thing about Reminders is that it’s location aware. Imagine you add that you need to buy milk, but then you forget about it. When you pass by the grocery store, the app will tell you that you need to buy milk.
New Reminders app ios 5

8. New Mail app

Mail includes a barrage of enhancements
• Rich Text Formatting, which will allow you to annoy the hell out of everyone bolding every sentence in your mails.
• Indentation control, which allows you to control the level of indentation of your quotes from other messages.
• Draggable email addresses, which allows to drag and drop email addresses into to, cc and bcc fields.
• Message flagging to call your attention over a particular mail later.
• Swipe to Inbox, which makes it very easy to access the list of message in portrait mode on the iPad, instead of clicking on a button for a weird pop-up dialog.
New Mail app ios 5

9. No PC required

At long last, the most important feature of them all: You will not need iTunes and PC anymore to use your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. Apple has caught up with Android and Windows Phone 7. The new iOS 5 will allow you to set up your new device easily: Turn your new gadget on and a Welcome screen will appear. All software updates will happen over the air.
All the applications will now be completely autonomous. You will not have to go to iCal or some other desktop app to create a calendar, for example. There is no need for a desktop or laptop anymore, for anything.
No PC required

10. New Game Center

The have enhanced Game Center too. Unfortunately, they have not renewed its awful casino interface, which looks as dated as always. But they have added much needed concepts from Xbox Live and other gaming systems:
New Game Center ios 5

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